Terms of Business
In connection with the rendering of services in the field of face yoga, I, Ing. Anna Linhartová,
address Říčany, Vranovská 1970/11, postal code: 251 01, ID: 46646990 (hereinafter referred to as the “provider“)
I. Basic provisions
- These GTB further supplement the contract for the rendering of services concluded between the provider and the client (hereinafter referred to as the “contract”) in the sense of § 1746 para. 2 et seq. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter “CC“), which the parties conclude in person or through the website www.annyfaceyoga.com or by filling out and sending the order and confirmation by the provider.
- These GTB further define and specify the rights and obligations of the provider and the client under the contract.
- In matters not regulated by the contract and these GTC, this relationship is governed by the Civil Code and consumer protection legislation.
II. Services
- The subject of the provided services are educational lessons, personal or online individual consultations, lessons and courses, personal or online group lessons and courses, personal or online workshops as listed in the price list (hereinafter collectively referred to as “services” or “events“) , and as ordered by the client and confirmed by the provider.
- The individual lessons are always agreed individually between the provider and the client.
- The group lessons and workshops are usually defined in advance by the provider, including the place and time of their holding.
- The dates of the workshops are set individually according to the place and length of the event agreed in advance by the provider and are usually stated in the workshop offer.
- By concluding the contract, the client agrees and accepts that any use of information from the subject of performance of the provider and the successes or failures resulting from the client or any expectations of the client are only in the hands of the client and the provider is not responsible for them.
III. Order
- The Client declares that he has read all the information concerning the offered services and the order, at the address www.annyfaceyoga.com. The client obligatorily orders specific services from the provider by filling in the electronic order form via
- the reservation system designated by the provider,
- info@annyfaceyoga.com
- telephone number +420 725 385 575.
- The client is obliged to check the order before sending it and, if necessary, to correct it. The sent order is legally binding and the client and the provider acquire mutual rights and obligations by its acceptance (confirmation) by the provider, ie the provider undertakes to provide ordered and confirmed services to the client and the client undertakes to pay the price for services.
- By sending the order, the client confirms that he/she has read the conditions of individual services and these GTB for ordering services on the website www.annyfaceyoga.com , and that he agrees with them. These GTB are an integral part of the contract, which is concluded by filling in and sending the order to the client and its confirmation by the provider.
- The client pays for individual lessons or a credit corresponding to, for example, a discounted package of lessons according to the current price list at the provider’s banking account no. 438 441 9043/0800, IBAN CZ97 0800 0000 0043 8441 9043, Swift/BIC GIBACZPX. Bank charges are borne by the client.
- When paying, the client enters in the note for the recipient his name and the selected type of lessons or course code (e.g. “40´ evening”, “42DMAS” etc.) or the note “credit”. The provider confirms to the client that the payment has been credited to the account. Crediting the client’s payment to the provider’s banking account before the event is a condition for the client’s participation in the given type of service.¨
- The provider sends the client an access link to connect to an online lesson or workshop, which the client has chosen in advance and agreed with the provider.
- Group lessons and workshops are held with a minimum number of clients set by the provider.
- The gift vouchers are listed on www.annyfaceyoga.com and can be purchased via this website. The gift voucher is validly ordered only after payment of the relevant price of the ordered service (ie by crediting the provider’s account) and after reception of the activation code from the provider. The validity of the gift voucher is stated on it. Further terms and conditions for purchasing and using a gift voucher can be found at www.annyfaceyoga.com.
- Any changes of lessons, courses, workshops and conditions reserved.
- The client participates on lessons at his own risk.
IV. Prices of the services
- Prices of services are listed in the current price list on the website www.annyfaceyoga.com . The prices of the workshops are set individually according to the place and length of the event agreed in advance by the provider and are usually listed in the workshop offer or in the price list available at www.annyfaceyoga.com or agreed individually between the provider and the client. The provider reserves the right to change any prices.
- The final price of the service is stated in the order confirmation and on the web address. The provider is not a VAT payer, the confirmed price is final.
- Proof of payment or invoice will be issued at the request of the client.
- The stated prices of lessons are in CZK and always apply to 1 person.
- The credit is valid for 3 months from its last increase. The minimum credit amount is CZK 1,000. If the credit is not used up during the validity period, the remaining amount of the credit is forfeited in favor of the provider.
- The credit is transferable, so it is possible to book more places for one lesson.
- The credit is non-refundable, it can be used for all lessons according to the current schedule or according to an individual mutual agreement.
V. Cancellation conditions
- By booking and purchasing a lesson, the client agrees with the reservation and cancellation conditions of the provider specified in these GTB.
- The client can only cancel or reorder within 24 hours before the start of the lesson. If the cancellation or re-order of the lesson is shorter than 24 hours or if the client does not cancel or re-order at all, the provider is entitled to collect the full price of the lesson.
- Prepayments for booking and credit payments for lessons, courses, workshops and other events (collectively referred to as “events“) are non-refundable:
- 100% of the total amount in case of cancellation less than 15 days before the event or in case of non-participation,
- 70% of the total amount in case of cancellation more than 15 days before the event or in case of non-participation,
- 50% of the total amount in case of cancellation more than 30 days before the event or in case of non-participation,
- 25% of the total amount in case of cancellation more than 50 days before the event or in case of non-participation.
If, due to the sudden situation, the client is unable to attend the event, he/she may transfer such a reservation to a substitute; in such a case, the client is obliged to inform the provider without undue delay.
In such a case, the Provider does not return the paid price of the event or the deposit to the client and the relevant amount is used to pay for the participation of the substitute.
If the health status changes during the course, the course fee cannot be refunded. Alternatively, it is possible to transfer the course fee to another person (upon proof of incapacity for work or confirmation from a doctor). In exceptional cases (serious health problems) an exception can be agreed.
- In case of cancellation of the reservation of a place for the event, the cancellation fee is:
- 100% of the total amount in case of cancellation of the course reservation less than 15 days before the start of the course,
- 50% of the total amount in case of cancellation of the course reservation more than 15 days before the start of the course.
VI. Withdrawal from the contract
- The client is entitled to withdraw from the contract within fourteen days. The period under the first sentence runs from the date of conclusion of the contract. If the client withdraws from this contract, the provider will return the paid price of the promotion or deposit without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the date of notification of withdrawal from the contract. Payment will be returned to the client’s bank account.
- If the client withdraws from the contract, but the provider is already fulfilling the contract on the basis of the client’s explicit request started before the expiry of the withdrawal period, the client shall pay the provider a proportionate part of the agreed price for the performance provided until the moment of withdrawal from the contract.
- Sample text of the withdrawal e-mail to be sent to info@annyfaceyoga.com
Subject: Notice of withdrawal. In the body of the email:- Recipient (here the consumer enters the name, address and e-mail address)
- I / we announce (*) that I hereby withdraw (*) from the service contract (*)
- Date of order (*) / date of receipt (*)
- Name and surname of the client
- Client address
- The number of the bank account to which the money will be returned
- Client’s signature (only if this form is sent in paper form)
- Date
(*) Strike out what does not apply or complete the information
- Withdrawal can be made electronically by e-mail to: info@annyfaceyoga.com or in writing to the address of the provider specified in these GTB, always with a statement that the client withdraws from the contract and with a copy of the relevant invoice – tax document. The client will be sent a credit note with an amount corresponding to the price of the relevant service. The amount will be refunded no later than 14 days from the delivery of the withdrawal from the contract to the provider.
VII. Final provisions
- The website may be updated by the provider without prior notice to clients.
- These GTB are valid and effective in their current version, as published on the website: www.annyfaceyoga.com
- Any changes of these GTB are reserved.
In Říčany, on March 15, 2021
Do you have a question, do you want to know about courses or send an order of a gift voucher?
Please complete the contact form.
1. When is it best time to practice Face Yoga?
Ideally twice a day. Immediately in the morning in bed or the bathroom. For the second time in the evening and just before bedtime.
If it is difficult to exercise in the morning or evening, exercise throughout the day! While riding a car or public transport, on a walk, while cooking, watching TV, in the shower! Try to make it a daily habit and fun at the same time. Just imagine the driver in the next car looking at you when he sees you, for example, “Bumblebee” or “Hangman” at the traffic lights at an intersection.
Life must be taken with humor and exaggeration! 😊
2. How often do I have to practice Face Yoga before I see results?
Some people see results right away, even after one workout! Most people will see results after just two weeks of practice.
3. Do I have to practice, train and perform all positions every day?
No, no, not at all. Exercise for at least 5 to 15 minutes a day. For best results, practice at least a little every day instead of one long lesson at a time. But exercise must be joy and fun, not the burden of duty.
4. How long is the endurance or duration of each pose required?
This is stated with each position description. Many represent three series of ten seconds, others can be longer or shorter.
5. Do I get wrinkles with Face Yoga?
No, you won’t.
While unconsciously repetitive movements cause unwanted wrinkles (eg, unconsciously raising eyebrows when communicating, smiling), conscious movement of facial muscles in the right way can prevent them from occurring, and even reduce wrinkles.